Improved Identifiers

  • JEP: 6
  • Author: James Saryerwinnie
  • Created: 2013-12-14


This JEP proposes grammar modifications to JMESPath in order to improve identifiers used in JMESPath. In doing so, several inconsistencies in the identifier grammar rules will be fixed, along with an improved grammar for specifying unicode identifiers in a way that is consistent with JSON strings.


There are two ways to currently specify an identifier, the unquoted rule:

identifier        = 1*char

and the quoted rule:

identifier        =/ quote 1*(unescaped-char / escaped-quote) quote

The char rule contains a set of characters that do not have to be quoted:

char              = %x30-39 / ; 0-9
                    %x41-5A / ; A-Z
                    %x5F /    ; _
                    %x61-7A / ; a-z

There is an ambiguity between the %x30-39 rule and the number rule:

number            = ["-"]1*digit
digit             = "1" / "2" / "3" / "4" / "5" / "6" / "7" / "8" / "9" / "0"

It’s ambiguous which rule to use. Given a string “123”, it’s not clear whether this should be parsed as an identifier or a number. Existing implementations aren’t following this rule (because it’s ambiguous) so the grammar should be updated to remove the ambiguity, specifically, an unquoted identifier can only start with the characters [a-zA-Z_].


JMESPath supports unicode through the char and unescaped-char rule:

unescaped-char    = %x30-10FFFF
char              = %x30-39 / ; 0-9
                    %x41-5A / ; A-Z
                    %x5F /    ; _
                    %x61-7A / ; a-z

However, JSON supports a syntax for escaping unicode characters. Any character in the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) can be escaped with:

char = escape (%x75 4HEXDIG )  ; \uXXXX

Similar to the way that XPath supports numeric character references used in XML (&#nnnn), JMESPath should support the same escape sequences used in JSON. JSON also supports a 12 character escape sequence for characters outside of the BMP, by encoding the UTF-16 surrogate pair. For example, the code point U+1D11E can be represented as "\\uD834\\uDD1E".

Escape Sequences

Consider the following JSON object:

{"foo\nbar": "baz"}

A JMESPath expression should be able to retrieve the value of baz. With the current grammar, one must rely on the environment’s ability to input control characters such as the newline (%x0A). This can be problematic in certain environments. For example, in python, this is not a problem:

>>> jmespath_expression = "foo\nbar"

Python will interpret the sequence "\\n" (%x5C %x6E) as the newline character %x0A. However, consider Bash:

$ foo --jmespath-expression "foo\nbar"

In this situation, bash will not interpret the "\\n" (%x5C %x6E) sequence.


The char rule contains a set of characters that do not have to be quoted. The new set of characters that do not have to quoted will be:

unquoted-string   = (%x41-5A / %x61-7A / %x5F) *(%x30-39 / %x41-5A / %x5F / %x61-7A)

In order for an identifier to not be quoted, it must start with [A-Za-z_], then must be followed by zero or more [0-9A-Za-z_].

The unquoted rule is updated to account for all JSON supported escape sequences:

quoted-string     =/ quote 1*(unescaped-char / escaped-char) quote

The full rule for an identifier is:

identifier        = unquoted-string / quoted-string
unquoted-string   = (%x41-5A / %x61-7A / %x5F) *(  ; a-zA-Z_
                        %x30-39  /  ; 0-9
                        %x41-5A /  ; A-Z
                        %x5F    /  ; _
                        %x61-7A)   ; a-z
quoted-string     = quote 1*(unescaped-char / escaped-char) quote
unescaped-char    = %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-10FFFF
escape            = %x5C   ; Back slash: \
quote             = %x22   ; Double quote: '"'
escaped-char      = escape (
                        %x22 /          ; "    quotation mark  U+0022
                        %x5C /          ; \    reverse solidus U+005C
                        %x2F /          ; /    solidus         U+002F
                        %x62 /          ; b    backspace       U+0008
                        %x66 /          ; f    form feed       U+000C
                        %x6E /          ; n    line feed       U+000A
                        %x72 /          ; r    carriage return U+000D
                        %x74 /          ; t    tab             U+0009
                        %x75 4HEXDIG )  ; uXXXX                U+XXXX


Adopting the same string rules as JSON strings will allow users familiar with JSON semantics to understand how JMESPath identifiers will work.

This change also provides a nice consistency for the literal syntax proposed in JEP 3. With this model, the supported literal strings can be the same as quoted identifiers.

This also will allow the grammar to grow in a consistent way if JMESPath adds support for filtering based on literal values. For example (note that this is just a suggested syntax, not a formal proposal), given the data:

{"foo": [{"✓": "✓"}, {"✓": "✗"}]}

You can now have the following JMESPath expressions:

foo[?"✓" = `✓`]
foo[?"\u2713" = `\u2713`]

As a general property, any supported JSON string is now a supported quoted identifier.


For any implementation that was parsing digits as an identifier, identifiers starting with digits will no longer be valid, e.g. foo.0.1.2.

There are several compliance tests that will have to be updated as a result of this JEP. They were arguably wrong to begin with.


The following needs to be changed because identifiers starting with a number must now be quoted:

-            "expression": "foo.1",
+            "expression": "foo.\"1\"",
             "result": ["one", "two", "three"]
-            "expression": "foo.1[0]",
+            "expression": "foo.\"1\"[0]",
             "result": "one"

Similarly, the following needs to be changed because an unquoted identifier cannot start with -:

-            "expression": "foo.-1",
+            "expression": "foo.\"-1\"",
             "result": "bar"


The escape.json has several more interseting cases that need to be updated. This has to do with the updated escaping rules. Each one will be explained.

-            "expression": "\"foo\nbar\"",
+            "expression": "\"foo\\nbar\"",
             "result": "newline"

This has to be updated because a JSON parser will interpret the \\n sequence as the newline character. The newline character is not allowed in a JMESPath identifier (note that the newline character %0A is not in any rule). In order for a JSON parser to create a sequence of %x5C %x6E, the JSON string must be \\\\n (%x5C %x5C %x6E).

-            "expression": "\"c:\\\\windows\\path\"",
+            "expression": "\"c:\\\\\\\\windows\\\\path\"",
             "result": "windows"

The above example is a more pathological case of escaping. In this example, we have a string that represents a windows path “c:\windowpath”. There are two levels of escaping happening here, one at the JSON parser, and one at the JMESPath parser. The JSON parser will take the sequence "\\"c:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\windows\\\\\\\\path\\"" and create the string "\\"c:\\\\\\\\windows\\\\path\\"". The JMESPath parser will take the string "\\"c:\\\\\\\\windows\\\\path\\"' and, applying its own escaping rules, will look for a key named c:\\\\windows\\path.