
  • JEP: 3
  • Author: Michael Dowling, James Saryerwinnie
  • Created: 2013-11-27


This document proposes modifying the JMESPath grammar to support function expressions.


Functions allow users to easily transform and filter data in JMESPath expressions. As JMESPath is currently implemented, functions would be very useful in multi-select-list and multi-select-hash expressions to format the output of an expression to contain data that might not have been in the original JSON input. Combined with filtered expressions, functions would be a powerful mechanism to perform any kind of special comparisons for things like length(), contains(), etc.

Data Types

In order to support functions, a type system is needed. The JSON types are used:

  • number (integers and double-precision floating-point format in JSON)

  • string

  • boolean (true or false)

  • array (an ordered, sequence of values)

  • object (an unordered collection of key value pairs)

  • null

Syntax Changes

Functions are defined in the function-expression rule below. A function expression is an expression itself, and is valid any place an expression is allowed.

The grammar will require the following grammar additions:

function-expression = unquoted-string  (
                        no-args  /
                        one-or-more-args )
no-args             = "(" ")"
one-or-more-args    = "(" ( function-arg *( "," function-arg ) ) ")"
function-arg        = expression / number / current-node
current-node        = "@"

expression will need to be updated to add the function-expression production:

expression        = sub-expression / index-expression / or-expression / identifier / "*"
expression        =/ multi-select-list / multi-select-hash
expression        =/ literal / function-expression

A function can accept any number of arguments, and each argument can be an expression. Each function must define a signature that specifies the number and allowed types of its expected arguments. Functions can be variadic.


The current-node token can be used to represent the current node being evaluated. The current-node token is useful for functions that require the current node being evaluated as an argument. For example, the following expression creates an array containing the total number of elements in the foo object followed by the value of foo["bar"].

foo[].[count(@), bar]

JMESPath assumes that all function arguments operate on the current node unless the argument is a literal or number token. Because of this, an expression such as would be equivalent to just bar, so the current node is only allowed as a bare expression.

current-node state

At the start of an expression, the value of the current node is the data being evaluated by the JMESPath expression. As an expression is evaluated, the value the the current node represents MUST change to reflect the node currently being evaluated. When in a projection, the current node value MUST be changed to the node currently being evaluated by the projection.

Function Evaluation

Functions are evaluated in applicative order. Each argument must be an expression, each argument expression must be evaluated before evaluating the function. The function is then called with the evaluated function arguments. The result of the function-expression is the result returned by the function call. If a function-expression is evaluated for a function that does not exist, the JMESPath implementation must indicate to the caller that an unknown-function error occurred. How and when this error is raised is implementation specific, but implementations should indicate to the caller that this specific error occurred.

Functions can either have a specific arity or be variadic with a minimum number of arguments. If a function-expression is encountered where the arity does not match or the minimum number of arguments for a variadic function is not provided, then implementations must indicate to the caller than an invalid-arity error occurred. How and when this error is raised is implementation specific.

Each function signature declares the types of its input parameters. If any type constraints are not met, implementations must indicate that an invalid-type error occurred.

In order to accommodate type contraints, functions are provided to convert types to other types (to_string, to_number) which are defined below. No explicit type conversion happens unless a user specifically uses one of these type conversion functions.

Function expressions are also allowed as the child element of a sub expression. This allows functions to be used with projections, which can enable functions to be applied to every element in a projection. For example, given the input data of ["1", "2", "3", "notanumber", true], the following expression can be used to convert (and filter) all elements to numbers:

search([].to_number(@), ``["1", "2", "3", "notanumber", true]``) -> [1, 2, 3]

This provides a simple mechanism to explicitly convert types when needed.

Built-in Functions

JMESPath has various built-in functions that operate on different data types, documented below. Each function below has a signature that defines the expected types of the input and the type of the returned output:

return_type function_name(type $argname)
return_type function_name2(type1|type2 $argname)

If a function can accept multiple types for an input value, then the multiple types are separated with |. If the resolved arguments do not match the types specified in the signature, an invalid-type error occurs.

The array type can further specify requirements on the type of the elements if they want to enforce homogeneous types. The subtype is surrounded by [type], for example, the function signature below requires its input argument resolves to an array of numbers:

return_type foo(array[number] $argname)

As a shorthand, the type any is used to indicate that the argument can be of any type (array|object|number|string|boolean|null).

The first function below, abs is discussed in detail to demonstrate the above points. Subsequent function definitions will not include these details for brevity, but the same rules apply.

NOTE: All string related functions are defined on the basis of Unicode code points; they do not take normalization into account.


number abs(number $value)

Returns the absolute value of the provided argument. The signature indicates that a number is returned, and that the input argument $value must resolve to a number, otherwise a invalid-type error is triggered.

Below is a worked example. Given:

{"foo": -1, "bar": "2"}

Evaluating abs(foo) works as follows:

  1. Evaluate the input argument against the current data:
search(foo, {"foo": -11, "bar": 2"}) -> -1
  1. Validate the type of the resolved argument. In this case -1 is of type number so it passes the type check.

  2. Call the function with the resolved argument:

abs(-1) -> 1
  1. The value of 1 is the resolved value of the function expression


Below is the same steps for evaluating abs(bar):

  1. Evaluate the input argument against the current data:
search(foo, {"foo": -1, "bar": 2"}) -> "2"
  1. Validate the type of the resolved argument. In this case "2 is of type string so the immediate indicate that an invalid-type error occurred.

As a final example, here is the steps for evaluating abs(to_number(bar)):

  1. Evaluate the input argument against the current data:
search(to_number(bar), {"foo": -1, "bar": "2"})
  1. In order to evaluate the above expression, we need to evaluate to_number(bar):
search(bar, {"foo": -1, "bar": "2"}) -> "2"
# Validate "2" passes the type check for to_number, which it does.
to_number("2") -> 2
  1. Now we can evaluate the original expression:
search(to_number(bar), {"foo": -1, "bar": "2"}) -> 2
  1. Call the function with the final resolved value:
abs(2) -> 2
  1. The value of 2 is the resolved value of the function expression abs(to_number(bar)).




number avg(array[number] $elements)

Returns the average of the elements in the provided array.

An empty array will produce a return value of null.


[10, 15, 20]avg(@)15
[10, false, 20]avg(@)<error: invalid-type>
[false]avg(@)<error: invalid-type>
falseavg(@)<error: invalid-type>


number ceil(number $value)

Returns the next highest integer value by rounding up if necessary.



| ### contains

boolean contains(array|string $subject, array|object|string|number|boolean $search)

Returns true if the given $subject contains the provided $search string.

If $subject is an array, this function returns true if one of the elements in the array is equal to the provided $search value.

If the provided $subject is a string, this function returns true if the string contains the provided $search argument.


n/acontains(`foobar`, `foo`)true
n/acontains(`foobar`, `not`)false
n/acontains(`foobar`, `bar`)true
n/acontains(`false`, `bar`)<error: invalid-type>
n/acontains(`foobar`, 123)false
["a", "b"]contains(@, `a`)true
["a"]contains(@, `a\`)true
["a"]contains(@, `b\`)false


number floor(number $value)

Returns the next lowest integer value by rounding down if necessary.




string join(string $glue, array[string] $stringsarray)

Returns all of the elements from the provided $stringsarray array joined together using the $glue argument as a separator between each.


["a", "b"]join(`, `, @)"a, b"
["a", "b"]join(``, @) "ab"
["a", false, "b"]join(`, `, @)<error: invalid-type>
[false]join(`, `, @)<error: invalid-type>


array keys(object $obj)

Returns an array containing the keys of the provided object.


{"foo": "baz", "bar": "bam"}keys(@)["foo", "bar"]
falsekeys(@)<error: invalid-type>
[b, a, c]keys(@)<error: invalid-type>


number length(string|array|object $subject)

Returns the length of the given argument using the following types rules:

  1. string: returns the number of code points in the string

  2. array: returns the number of elements in the array

  3. object: returns the number of key-value pairs in the object


"current"length(not_there)<error: invalid-type>
["a", "b", "c"]length(@)3
{"foo": "bar", "baz": "bam"}length(@)2


number max(array[number] $collection)

Returns the highest found number in the provided array argument.

An empty array will produce a return value of null.


[10, 15]max(@)15
[10, false, 20]max(@)<error: invalid-type>


number min(array[number] $collection)

Returns the lowest found number in the provided $collection argument.


[10, 15]min(@)10
[10, false, 20]min(@)<error: invalid-type>


array sort(array $list)

This function accepts an array $list argument and returns the sorted elements of the $list as an array.

The array must be a list of strings or numbers. Sorting strings is based on code points. Locale is not taken into account.


[b, a, c]sort(@)[a, b, c]
[1, a, c]sort(@)[1, a, c]
[false, [], null]sort(@)[[], null, false]
[[], {}, false]sort(@)[{}, [], false]
{"a": 1, "b": 2}sort(@)null


string to_string(string|number|array|object|boolean $arg)
  • string - Returns the passed in value.

  • number/array/object/boolean - The JSON encoded value of the object. The JSON encoder should emit the encoded JSON value without adding any additional new lines.




number to_number(string|number $arg)
  • string - Returns the parsed number. Any string that conforms to the json-number production is supported.

  • number - Returns the passed in value.

  • array - null

  • object - null

  • boolean - null


string type(array|object|string|number|boolean|null $subject)

Returns the JavaScript type of the given $subject argument as a string value.

The return value MUST be one of the following:

  • number
  • string
  • boolean
  • array
  • object
  • null


{"abc": "123"}type(@)"object"


array values(object $obj)

Returns the values of the provided object.


{"foo": "baz", "bar": "bam"}values(@)["baz", "bam"]
["a", "b"]values(@)<error: invalid-type>
falsevalues(@)<error: invalid-type>

Compliance Tests

A functions.json will be added to the compliance test suite. The test suite will add the following new error types:

  • unknown-function
  • invalid-arity
  • invalid-type

The compliance does not specify when the errors are raised, as this will depend on implementation details. For an implementation to be compliant they need to indicate that an error occurred while attempting to evaluate the JMESPath expression.


  • This JEP originally proposed the literal syntax. The literal portion of this JEP was removed and added instead to JEP 7.

  • This JEP originally specified that types matches should return null. This has been updated to specify that an invalid type error should occur instead.