Nested Expressions

  • JEP: 1
  • Author: Michael Dowling
  • Created: 2013-11-27


This document proposes modifying the JMESPath grammar to support arbitrarily nested expressions within multi-select-list and multi-select-hash expressions.


This JMESPath grammar currently does not allow arbitrarily nested expressions within multi-select-list and multi-select-hash expressions. This prevents nested branching expressions, nested multi-select-list expressions within other multi expressions, and nested or-expressions within any multi-expression.

By allowing any expression to be nested within a multi-select-list and multi-select-hash expression, we can trim down several grammar rules and provide customers with a much more flexible expression DSL.

Supporting arbitrarily nested expressions within other expressions requires:

  • Updating the grammar to remove non-branched-expr

  • Updating compliance tests to add various permutations of the grammar to ensure implementations are compliant.

  • Updating the JMESPath documentation to reflect the ability to arbitrarily nest expressions.

Nested Expression Examples

Nested branch expressions


    "foo": {
        "baz": [
                "bar": "abc"
            }, {
                "bar": "def"
        "qux": ["zero"]

With: foo.[baz[\*].bar, qux[0]]



Nested branch expressions with nested mutli-select


    "foo": {
        "baz": [
                "bar": "a",
                "bam": "b",
                "boo": "c"
            }, {
                "bar": "d",
                "bam": "e",
                "boo": "f"
        "qux": ["zero"]

With: foo.[baz[\*].[bar, boo], qux[0]]



Nested or expressions


    "foo": {
        "baz": [
                "bar": "a",
                "bam": "b",
                "boo": "c"
            }, {
                "bar": "d",
                "bam": "e",
                "boo": "f"
        "qux": ["zero"]

With: foo.[baz[\*].not_there || baz[\*].bar, qux[0]]



No breaking changes

Because there are no breaking changes from this modification, existing multi-select expressions will still work unchanged:


    "foo": {
        "baz": {
            "abc": 123,
            "bar": 456

With: foo.[baz,]


        "abc": 123,
        "bar": 456

Modified Grammar

The following modified JMESPath grammar supports arbitrarily nested expressions and is specified using ABNF, as described in RFC4234

expression        = sub-expression / index-expression / or-expression / identifier / "*"
expression        =/ multi-select-list / multi-select-hash
sub-expression    = expression "." expression
or-expression     = expression "||" expression
index-expression  = expression bracket-specifier / bracket-specifier
multi-select-list = "[" ( expression *( "," expression ) ) "]"
multi-select-hash = "{" ( keyval-expr *( "," keyval-expr ) ) "}"
keyval-expr       = identifier ":" expression
bracket-specifier = "[" (number / "*") "]"
number            = [-]1*digit
digit             = "1" / "2" / "3" / "4" / "5" / "6" / "7" / "8" / "9" / "0"
identifier        = 1*char
identifier        =/ quote 1*(unescaped-char / escaped-quote) quote
escaped-quote     = escape quote
unescaped-char    = %x30-10FFFF
escape            = %x5C   ; Back slash: \
quote             = %x22   ; Double quote: '"'
char              = %x30-39 / ; 0-9
                    %x41-5A / ; A-Z
                    %x5F /    ; _
                    %x61-7A / ; a-z